Saturday, January 30, 2010

Check these blogs out

First, a big thank you to Bobbi.  I won these great gifties at Bobbi's blog, Crafty Vegas Mom.  Bobbi is just the sweetest, and I really enjoy her projects over on her blog.  She had her friend, Heidi, organize these Friday Night Sew-Ins.  I participated in the last one.  They are currently taking sign ups for the next one on Heidi's blog.  I have found this is a great way to get a project done, especially if  you need a little incentive to get moving on it. 

Finally, last week after I had problems with my comments section not showing up, I went looking through all of my blogger menus to fix it.  I saw that they had an updated posting system.  SO, I updated and I just love this new compose menu.  It makes uploading photos even better and gives you choices after you are done uploading.  You should check it out. 


Carol said...

Cute bag Kris. I'm glad you won. I also enjoyed doing the Friday Night Sew In, I'll go sign up for the February one. Are you going to do the Feb. 27th Spring Sewing Party. Didn't know about the enhancement for blogger, I'll go take a look.

Anonymous said...

Very nice gifts, lucky you.

Theresa said...

Just happened upon your blog, I think via Carol's blog...and I found her blog via Kim's Kreations. Anyway, I'm intrigued about the Friday Night Sew-Ins. Might have to try that for February. Thanks for the tip about blogger's updated posting. I just changed my setting and can't wait to try out the new changes.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Lucky you! Very nice win!! I will have to check out the blogger enhancement too. On my way to do that now...

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Okay, where is it? I can't find it... :(

Kim D. said...

Very cute bag and nice fabric also. Congrats on the win.

Allie said...

What a lovely win! I didn't know blogger made changes, I'll go check it out, thanks.

Bobbi said...

i am sooo glad you like your gifts! ill have to check out the updates also. see you in a few weeks for friday night sew-in! look for more giveaways!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

And you have a sweet win there too Kris!! Enjoy!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Yum - what a cute bag, and other goodies! Congrats, Kris!