Have you ever had one of those days where you start a project, get about halfway through it and then switch what you are doing? Oh yeah, distracted by some pretty fabric that is just sitting around your sewing room.
Here is what I ended up finishing with some scraps of material. . .3 pretty kitchen towels. Aren't they bright?

Here is a project that I started first(the tutorial can be found on the Moda Bake Shop thanks to Rachel from P.S. I quilt- Rachel is also having a giveaway over at P.S. I quilt, so don't forget to head that way, too.)

I was originally going to do 3 of these blocks instead of 9 for a table runner as a gift. Then when I got the 3 blocks done (aren't they cute???) I decided it would be to big for said table. Hmm. I have another charm pack so I might just turn this into a baby quilt yet...just you wait and see. For now, I am thinking about it. But I do love the disappearing nine patch...how fun are they? Why did it take me so long to try that?
Onto more important events. . .this guy turned 5 this week.

Oh, I do love him so. Five years of kissing those sweet cheeks.
Happy Birthday to your little guy. I hope that he had a great day. Love that smile!
Great idea for the towels, very cute. Your little one is growing up, I guess he'll be going to Kindergarden this year.
Did you make the blue & white quilt on the bed? Can you share a full photo? Thanks
What a cutie! Enjoy him, they grow so fast! Mine is 18 now that a trip in itself!lol. Your towels are very cute. Thanks for visiting my blog!
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