Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thank you! And Just a Peek at My Stash

First up I want to thank my sweet friend, Carol, for thinking of my on my birthday.  She sent me this great magazine (with a pattern in it that I adore), this great bag collection pattern (you know I am such a bag lady these days), some nice magnetic snaps (I have already used one), and a flying geese ruler (how handy is that?).  Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Carol. 

Secondly, I want to thank my sewing pal, Judy, for these sweet table toppers. I just love them both!

Kelly asked us to post how we store our stash.  Sorry to say, this isn't verying exciting over here.  I share my little sewing room with a guest room that is frequently used.  There are no pretty displays.  It is just crammed in where it fits.  On the top shelf of this closet, these plastic tubs hold my fabrics.  I have florals, children, and holidays up there. 

Here is my box of patterns. 

Here is my shelf that houses books and magazines. 

Not too thrilling, but its functional.

It is a beautiful day here (the first day in many that we haven't had rain).  It was perfect for soccer.  I hope you are having a great Saturday whereever you are.  Come back tomorrow for a bit of a garage sale.  Kelly had a fun idea to sell/swap our patterns and fabrics.  I will have several pattern books, patterns, and fabrics up for sale tomorrow.


Michelle said...

I need to get some of those see through bins. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Nice gifts you got there!! I like the purse pattern. Have ya made it yet?? :-)

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Very nice gifts~ happy belated birthday! :-) I like the way you store patterns~ I love those little bins for projects, but hadn't thought of using one for my patterns. :-)

joan said...

Happy belated birthday Kris.. I love the stash.. You have a great Saturday too.. We have the rain today here in Nove Scotia and a bit chilly! Perfect day for sewing.

Kim said...

Those patterns look like fun. Love to see the finished project when you're done.

Carol said...

Glad you like the gift I sent. The table toppers from Judy are really cute. Oh how fun a garage sale, I'll check back tomorrow.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Very nice!! You must be pretty special :)

I have some mail for you too but I have to do some tracing by hand and you know, I just keep forgetting to do it!

Allie said...

What lovely gifts, for such a special person! Your stash looks fine to me, girl. I share mine with my OWN bedroom, lol. Enjoy your weekend!

Vickie E said...

toppers are cute~!

Anonymous said...

GOrgeous gifts and love those table toppers! Cant wait to see the purse you make using the pattern :)

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Very sweet - you have kind and caring friends!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Love what you've done with your stash - and how you store it too! Thanks so much for sharing!