Boy version:

Girl version:

Matching bib that I designed my own pattern for:

Personalized Girl Version and unfinished matching bib:

So, the personalized version is very cute, but I was having problems with the material pulling despite the 2 types of stabilizer I was using. My friend, who also embroiders, assured me she just thought it was the material. Any other suggestions out there? I still like these though. A couple of burp stains and I doubt anyone will notice! LOL
A few tips for your burp rags:
1. My personalized version is about 2 inches wider of focus fabric. I think I liked the looks of it a bit more as it gives the personalization a bit of space. Plus, I love all that pretty fabric!
2. I wanted to add some embelishments to mine. But I found that it was coming out uneven because I was pushing the material down as I sewed. After a frustrating first set, I used basting spray to stablize things when sewing them and I used my quilting/walking foot. Perfection!!
Cute, cute, cute. I love the Moda Bakeshop too.
Very nice! Sorry though, no suggestions for the stabilizers.
very cute...I love your fabric choice..
WAY cute!!!
Love your new projects. I dont do machine embroidery so cant help ya there.
Those ARE too cute to burp on! Sorry about the puckering -- if you stabilized with two layers, I don't know what else you could do!
I love those burp cloths, nothing better than to have pretty things, even if they are to throw up on!
These are so cute! I've only recently discovered Moda Bakeshop but it is fantastic!
Just stinkin cute!!!!! I am really hooked on Moda Bake Shop!!!!
CA-uuuuuuuuute! Those are just adorable!
Pretty and practical!!
Thanks for the tips on making the burp cloths. I just made some for my newest grandson and had some problems too. But they were so cute I wanted to rush right out and buy more diapers! blessings, marlene
Very cute indeed. A couple of suggestions for the puckering. Did you adjust your tension, plus the presser foot preasure? When I did machine applique for my kids (many years ago) I used to use not only the stablizer behind it but also tissue paper. For some reason with the tissue it just glides through so much better than without. Hope that was of some help to you.
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