"Show Some Sewing Love Swap" Specifics:
1. Any level of sewer/quilter/embroiderer may participate!
2. Item sent to your partner must be homemade.
3. Sew/Quilt/Embroider a project in a Valentine's theme. It does not necessarily have to have hearts or cupids on it; you may use some creativity and choose colors that would be fitting in the season. Some ideas to get your mind racing: wall hangings, aprons, table runners, mini-quilts, coasters, placemats, embellished towels, pillow cases, bags, etc. Anything goes.
4. You may include other little gifties in your package along with your homemade item, that is up to you.
5. The deadline for mailing your package is Friday, February 6th. Please be prompt as it is dissappointing for someone not to receive their package prior to the holiday.
6. Sign up is today through January 6th. I will organize the names and have the contact information out to you shortly after that. Recipients names will be a secret. Feel free to start your projects prior to that date though. You may also post the badge above on your sidebar or in a post, should you choose.
7. Both bloggers and nonbloggers may participate.
8. To sign up: please send me an email- superstarkb(at)yahoo.com with the following information.
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Blog Address (if applicable):
Would you be willing to mail internationally? Yes/No
9. Any participant that has their package mailed out on time will be entered in a drawing for an extra giftie from me. Please send me a follow up email when you have sent your gift out.
I hope to hear from you soon!
Email coming from me. Count me in! I've already started organizing my thoughts around what I'm going to make.
Jen :)
This is soooooooo cool -- I love your 'show some sewing love' design! Yes, I am so in. And yes, you already have my info.
Woo hoo, got my email coming your way :)
I'm game for this! and have the perfect project too :O)
I'm emailing you now :O)
I'm going to join! blessings, marlene
I come to you by way of PunkiePie. Your Valentine Swap sounds SO FUN! Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday...I have great memories from grade school. I love Pink and Red equally to this day because of Valentine's Day! Count me in! I will mention it in my blog!
The valentine swap sounds fun. I will be emailing soon.
I found you by way of Kim's Big Quilting Adventure who made a comment about Punkie Pie (won a give-away)which led me to you.
Julie S. in California
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