In this fictional story, Lois Bate was 5 years old when her 30 year old father, Kevin, past away from a disease. On her 12th birthday, her aunt surprised her with a gift from her father. The Manual...a manual he wrote her to be read every year on her birthday until her 30th birthday. A guide for life. A very good read, check it out if you are looking for a good book.
Sounds interesting, thanks! I'm always looking for a good book.
Sounds like a good read. I finally felt like finishing the tea towel yesterday, Kris. Will get it in the mail asap. Thanks again for your patience.
Always looking for a good book. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hmmmmm, wonder if it out in audio book form. Sounds like a book I could enjoy.
I will write it down and inquire at the library this week.
Sounds interesting, but is it sad? I have to be in the mood for a sad book.
Oooh, this sounds interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
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