This was one of my 3 goals for the Charming Girls' Quilt Club this month. I made it for my friend's new baby girl, Bradlie. I am proud to say that I completed the top particularly because I errored in my cutting the sashing. I only discovered the problem after all of the sashing was sewn on and things were not lining up correctly. I felt like someone had punched me. I just felt ill that I was going to have to take it all apart when I was so close to the finish line I could see it. I persevered. I ripped all of it off. Re-cut. Re-sewed. And this is what you get when you do that, a beautiful quilt.

Having a bad day yesterday made me want to have a giveaway. Keep checking in the rest of the month because one of these days, I am going to post the giveaway goodies and you don't want to miss out on signing up for the drawing. Makes me smile just thinking about it.
I am off to clean my much neglected house. Seems there are millions of specs of threads floating about.
Oh, your persevernce!...All that sewing and then frogging it -- but it was so worth it. The quilt is so utterly gorgeous! It just takes my breath away!
Yes, you sure did end up with a beautiful quilt after all of your hard work!
Sorry about you having to rip out that's no fun but like you said sometimes the end result is worth it. And it really is for this quilt. It's just beautiful. Good Job!
All your work paid off! Your quilt is lovely!
It is GORGEOUS, Kris! All that extra work paid off 100%. I love it. My next quilt; one of these. For sure!
It is gorgeous! I love the end result even if it required a bit of frustration. She will love it, heck I would love it LOL!
Love thaty quilt!
It is lovely!!!! What line is that?
It was worth it! I love the disappearing nine patch.
It's just adorable! Good for you for sticking with it and fixing the error -- I'm never happy with the finished result if I don't take the time to make a correction!
I never thought of using sashing with that quilt, but I LOVE it! Good job on persevering - I probably would've wadded it up and thrown it in a corner, lol. Sooo pretty!!!!
THe quilt is beautiful!! That little girl and her mommy will LOVE IT!!!
Congrats an ANOTHER finish! She is going to love it!
BTW-I have the same thread pieces all of over the house! That is what happens when you have hardwood floors. My child is even covered with threads sometimes!
The quilttop looks fantastic. I hate having to take things apart and re-sew!! It is such an awful job :/ But it does make that sense of achievement so much greater doesn't it?
I was just looking at m,y Spring Magic layer cake and wondering if it would make a good dissapearing 9 patch... I see that it does... it is truly lovely.
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