So, on my way back from my folk's house last week I stopped at a quilt shop. I picked up this book from Fig Tree Quilts. It's themed: houses. In general, I'd have to admit that I like themes. Themes for parties, themes for rooms, themes for gifts, themes for movie sorting boxes, I think you get the drift.
The store had a sample made up of this house bag. Shockingly, I think I liked the store sample's color choices better than the books. I say shockingly because I LOVE FIG TREE QUILTS' color choices. Perhaps the bag is cuter in person than in a book?

I saw the bag. Now, that is another thing I am crazy about: bags. So I asked if it came from a book and this is how I the book ended up in my hands.

I flipped lightly through the book, not sure how I felt about house quilts. I don't think I've seen many house quilts. It was right about at this moment when Buddy announces to the entire store that he has to POOP. As usual, I have a moment of feeling like I could die on the spot. I gently remind him that he could just say that he has to go to the bathroom (as I would guess he has to POOP because he always grabs his butt) and I grab his hand and we are off to the potty. I know, because this is always the case, that the next time it will be another GRAND announcement of POOP again versus bathroom, but I try to change the coarse of history regardless.
So, when I came out of the bathroom, I grabbed the book and bought it...deciding that surely I would learn to love house quilts...and we were back on the road. Since I have literally flipped and read over this book for hours, I would say that I am now officially addicted to house quilts. In fact, one of the quilts I particularly like has some hand applique, which I have said for months that I want to try, and I love Joanna's directions. I am ready! Bring it on! (The cover quilt has some applique and so does the last quilt.) I love many of the quilts in the book, but here are a couple that I especially like.