Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Shout out!

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Weaving up some magic

- "Hey, whatcha doin' with them pokers? (I guess he had been into my pins before and felt their wrath!)
- "Boy, this room is a mess, mom." (So, my WIPS are taking over a bit! You know it is bad when your 3 year tells you it is time to clean up.)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Mom's day off
Look who decided he had to come along? I think he was hoping we were going to run into that Miss Kitty.

So, Rexy and I were going to go to that quilt shop I discovered the other day, but then I got side tracked by a few stores. Next thing I know, I have spent 3 hours at other places...my how time flies. That Rexy sure does get crabby about 'non-scheduled' stops. He got really bent of out shape because he thought I said we were going to Bones and Nibble... not Barnes and Noble.

Anywhoo, we went to Target, JoAnns (where someone was kind enough to give me a coupon for my stabelizer...thanks, if you are out there), my sewing shop (where I bought sale fabric - 50% off), Barnes, TJ Max, Old Navy, and then I finally made it to the quilt shop. (Enter the dramatic music)

Just look at all of the cute stuff on display! Isn't this just a great shop!

I bought some of that Moda Simplicity fabric for my new purse and new wallet patterns. I found a couple of cute patterns (some I have seen blogging around), a new tool, and again, I hit the jackpot on some sale fabric. FYI- some cute pillowcases and aprons coming right up. Well, that was a LOT of fun.

Rexy was getting really anxious to get home. He didn't want to miss The Old and the Boney, what is up with that guy watching soaps?
That leaves me with just one last thought.... I think someone wants to ask Miss Kitty to the prom! Don't tell him I said so though, he'll bite my head off.
Editor's note: Thanks for all the birthday love bloggals! My birthday is actually Weds., but as I told my husband....my birthday celebration actually encompasses a week, not just a day.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
This was sitting by my door....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
And the winner is....

I had little buddy draw as he cannot read names and I knew he would be delighted by this big person job.
The winner is....
Congratulations to Mary Anne from Moonbeams in a Jar!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Giving the new machine a test drive


What is the prize? I think I will giveaway that pretty peach apron I made. Perhaps I will put some goodies in the pockets as well. I will try to draw sometime on Tuesday.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Curly Hair Bow Tutorial

- ribbon
- scissors
- small hair clips
- no fray
- starch spray
- oven sheet covered in foil
- 1/4 inch wooden rods...one per hair bow cut in half to fit in your oven
- wooden clothes pin (the pinchy kind)
- hot glue gun
- preheated oven to 275 degrees
Step 1- Gather all of your supplies.
Step 2- Tightly wrap your ribbon around your rods securing each end with a clothes pin. (*Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of this, but it is pretty easy.)
Step 3- Spray with starch and place on pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool for 3 minutes.
Step 4- Slide ribbon off the rods. You may need to wiggle it a little to get it unstuck.
Step 5- Cut ribbon into about 2.5 inch to 3 inch pieces. 'No fray' the edges.
Step 6- Pile the ribbons into piles you wish to be "bows" and pick one of the longer ribbons to tie with. I pick up the ribbons piece by piece pinching them between my index and thumb, wrap the longest bow around them, and tie them.
Step 7- Secure the bow to the clip with the hot glue gun. I usually put a bit of glue in the knot as well so that it is secure.
Step 8- Fluff your curlies.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Random Facts About Me
Here are the rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Random Facts About Me:
1. When I was a kid, I was in 4-H. This is where I first learned to sew. I made a peach apron. What do I still like to sew today? Yup, aprons. BTW- I earned a blue ribbon on that. I also did quite a bit of cross stitch. BTW- my mom became group leader because I wanted to be in 4-H and the leader was retiring. She is the world's greatest mom. She also taught the kids baking in our house.
2. I then had home economics with the best teacher in the world. I sewed a pair of shorts and a jumper. Along with baking all kinds of fun things. This was the end of sewing for me for about 10 years.
3. A year or so after I as married, my friend (and dear college roommate) Billie and I were having a conversation about how I loved quilts. She told me that her aunt held these quilt in a day classes at a church and that I should come. She assured me that all I had to do was sew straight. My dad helped me buy my first machine ($200) and my husband was sure it would sit in the closet forever. I went to the all day event (8 AM to 11 PM) and had a lot of fun. I left with a hand tied Trip Around the World quilt. I came home inspired. I made some curtains and a shower curtain for my bathroom. I put the machine away and that was pretty much that.
When buddy was 1 1/2, I went back to the all day class and made another quilt. This is when I became a quilter at my home. I started sewing much more at home. I made room in my guest room to leave my machine up all the time and I have found that this has enabled me to just jump on it for 20 minutes or so whenever I want. That is basically how I learned to quilt.
4. My favorite treat is a frozen mocha or chai. I love that. Although. I will try just about any coffee beverage and sometimes warm mochas hit the spot, too. I have been known to travel well off the beaten path for some good coffee or some good quilting.
5. I have read Gone With The Wind about 5 times. I just love the dynamics between Rhett and Scarlett. I like the companion novel, Scarlett. However, I recently read and hated the new book, Rhett Butler's People. The author chose to just ignore all of Margaret Mitchell's work. I love the movie. I particularly love the dresses of the time. Who could wear a corset? I have a large plate collection (pitifully still at my parent's house) of GWTW dresses. Someday I suspect they will be on Ebay. I also have been to Atlanta and visited the Margaret Mitchell Museum.
6. I love Mr. Darcy.
7. I love to bake. Recently I made this, and this, and this is a family favorite only I use cool whip for the frosting. All of them are very good, quick, and easy. Need a quick no bake dessert that everyone will rave about? Try this.
I am tagging a few people...frankly, I doubt that I have 7 to tag that haven't already been tagged. I apologize if anyone has already been tagged and you won't hurt my feelings if you don't do it again. ;)
I have officially tagged:
Mary Anne at Camp Moonbeams
Dana at Old Red Barn Co.
Colleen formerly of South Africa
You'll be inspired by all of these pages whether they are busy with spring planting, quilting up a storm, walking for a cause, or trying to start a new life.
Friday, April 11, 2008
The tale of the hail, tornadoes, and the new machine

I did some sewing on Buddy's quilt and I am happy to report that I really like the machine. Did I mention I get unlimited owner's classes for life and 1 year of creative sewing classes for free! I am going next week for some help on the embroidery.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
If you only knew the problems of my old machine
You'd you'd join in and sing...tralalalfalalalaa!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
A quilt for buddy