I made it! I finished. Whoo-who! Just in the nick of time, as well. Here are both of my finishes.
I love the finished look of my Keyholes quilt top (pattern by Anka's Treasures and fabric by Minnick and Simpson)now that it has my borders on it. It is very large too. My husband is loving the size of it.

And if possible, I am more deeply in love with my finished Cottage quilt (pattern and fabric by Fig Tree Quilts). I love it. LOVE IT...sing it off the roof tops love it. A special thank you to Mr. Dandelion for helping choose the binding material...a perfect fit if I do say so myself.

Stay tuned to August's projects. I am not sure which to pick as I have so many things I'd like to get done!
What wonderful finishes! Great job!!
They are both pretty stunning. Makes me want to call in sick and quilt all day!
Way to go!!! They both are beautiful. Makes me want to make a keyhole quilt.
Loving the Keyholes quilt! They both look awesome. Great job on the finishes!
You make gorgeous quilts! I love them all!
I have the Fig Tree Houses on my TO DO LIST and hope it is even halfway as beautiful as yours!
Love both of them. Great finishes.
Great finishes!! I don't know which one I like better!
YAY!! Glad you finished your two goals! I love the fabrics you used in the charming Cottage quilt!
What a perfect quilt--especially when Husband helps with the design/choice of borders. You did a stunning job on both of them!
Great job! they are beautiful.
Those are wonderful! I adore that cottage quilt! Congratulations!
Way to go!! Really like the Key hole quilt...the Cottage Quilt is really neat too!
Congrats on your Quilt Club finish! I love seeing what the other members have created.
What's in store for next month?
I had to come over and see your house quilt since you left the comment on my blog saying you had also made one. I like the fabric you used for the sashings. Even though I used a tone on tone, it is busy looking. I was trying to use something from stash.
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