Monday, October 20, 2008

The big TA-DAH

I finally sent buddy's quilt I made him months ago to the quilter (actually I also sent in his cowboy quilt, too). I was delighted when I had a package in the mail last week, both finished quilts. So, I have been busy binding. Here is the first quilt finished and moments later in use!


Mary Anne Drury said...

What a GREAT quilt and what a CUTE KID !!!!

Carin said...

Look at that smile he adores that quilt!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Someone looks very happy!!

Unknown said...

Love it and he looks soooo comfy and happy!!

Vickie E said...

I know the's like Christmas....and they look fabulous!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Great quilt! I can't wait to sit down and actually do a quilt. That's my plan during my Christmas vacation. I have so much going on, I can't start one until then!

Jen :)

Pat said...

Lovely quilt. He looks like one happy camper!

Anonymous said...

by the look on his face, i don't think he likes it! ;o)

Tine said...

That is one cute kid and an amazing quilt! The quilting is fantastic I love those loops!

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilt - and it looks like Buddy is LOVING the quilt.