I know, you've been wondering if I drowned in a pile of UFOs or scraps in my sewing room. Nah, life has just been busy (I know you can relate). Although, the state that my sewing room is in...I could have easily have fallen down and never been found again. That is a project for another day. Sometimes, when life gets like this....it does cross my mind to maybe stop blogging. But, then I think about all my kind friends who always seem to be there when I get back at it. I really do enjoy it. And then I get a sweet comment like this...."I adore these darling bags. I guess I'm afraid of zippers, but you've inspired me to take the plunge and try one. Love your blog, visit daily." from a blogger, Dianne, who I have never heard from before...and that just makes my day. I always see all the "hits" my blog gets and I always wonder who is stopping by for a visit. I love hearing from you! I also have been in "lurker" mode lately myself, so I get it. Sometimes you just want to see what is going on. I often have people leave me nice comments, but in their blogger profile, they have it set up on No Reply....so I cannot answer your question or just say hi myself or if I am having a giveaway, I can't contact the winner. Just something to keep in mind.
Well, the swap wrapped up. I still need to do the drawing for the prizes. I was very pleased with all the bags I saw. If anyone had a less than good experience, I would hope that you would email me in private with your concerns so that I can make some adjustments next time. All bags have been shipped. All but 1 were on time, which is a fantastic statistic. And, I did read all of your comments and suggestions on the last post. Seems many of you are eager to get going on another swap. We will have another....I just need a bit to catch my breath.
Well, last Sunday I had to give myself a good kick in the pants to get a gift done for my girlfriend. I needed it done by Monday. Nothing like waiting to the last moment, right? I had started it the week before, but wasn't happy with my fabric choices. I made her this bag, which is actually the Libby Bag by
Clover and Violet, but I opted to put a magnetic snap inside it and skip the binding and the flap. Maybe next time. This pattern did have a little typo, but I caught it. It called for you to sew 7 rows of charms, when you actually needed 8. Nothing big, just something to note if you intend to make one yourself. The picture diagram showed 8. I also think I did my own thing on the handles. But, that is typical me.
This bag is a great size. I love big bags, and this has lots of room for a teacher to put folders in it, and it has great, great pockets, for Ipads or Nooks. I'd darn near call it perfect, really. I used the last of my Strawberry Fields charms on it. A sad day! LOL. My friend loved it, so it was worth the stash sacrifice. My apologies for the winter pictures. I would love for the sun to come out again.