Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Finish (CGQC) and a Winner

I hope you all had a delightful Thanksgiving. We sure did. Are you still using up your turkey leftovers? Here is a quick and delicious soup recipe, sure to cure whatever is ailing you.

Dandy's Turkey Soup recipe


1/2 c chopped onion
1/2 c chopped celery
1/2 c chopped carrots
2 cloves chopped garlic
8 cups chicken stock
1 medium potato (golden or red), chopped with skins on
2 handfuls of your favorite small pasta
2 c chopped turkey
1 TBSP dried parsley
1/4 tsp pepper
salt to taste

In a large stock pot, saute the first 5 ingredients until tender. Toss in potatoes and add stock, bring to a boil. Add pasta, cook according to package (mine was 7 minutes). Turn down heat, add turkey and seasonings. ENJOY!! Freezes well, too.

In other sewing news, I finished the quilting and binding on both snowmen. Although my machine started acting up a bit on mine. Mine has the red binding. I was brave enough to try some star quilting on mine, and pretty pleased with my results despite my machine's attitude. Mom's is in the blue. I still need to find buttons, but I am hoping to catch them on sale. Let me know if you see any good sales, girls! But, I consider these done. I promise to show another shot of them with eyes on.

Oh and finally, thanks to everyone who entered my 200th post giveaway for a good cause! There were a lot of entries and I am very appreciative to all of you who entered. A special thanks to those who contributed to my kettle. My kettle so far has $20 in it. I know we are going to add to that sometime in December, so I will keep it up until Christmas. The winner was Jen of Punkie Pie! Congratulations to Jen. I will get that out to you soon.


Red Geranium Cottage said...

LUCKY Jen!! That is one cute little quilt! What pattern is it? I'd love to make a few of those. Very very cute!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations Jen!
Those snowmen are so cute! Maybe next year!

Anonymous said...

The quilting looks fantastic! The snowmen are gorgeous :)

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

CUTE snowmen!!

WOOHOO! I won! How exciting!!! Thanks Kris!

Allie said...

Congrats to Jen! I love your snowmen, they are cute even without eyes! The Turkey soup sounds wonderful, but what is EVOO?

Michelle said...

Congrats to Jen! Those snowmen turn out cute!!!

Carol said...

Oh your snowman quilts are so cute! Soup sounds YUMMY! I need some of that right now...I'm coming down with Hampton's cold.

Little Lady Patchwork said...

Thanks for sharing the soup recipe! It sounds so yummy.

Your snowmen are so cute and it looks like you did a great job with the star quilting on yours!

Have a good week.

Esther said...

Very pretty! I love the fabrics and the star quilting!

Thimbleanna said...

Your little snowmen are adorable! And that soup sounds wonderful -- my mom always takes the turkey carcass so she can make soup too!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Those are so cute, Kris! Great job (won't your mom be smiling when she gets that cute quilt)!!