Well, some of you knew I was going camping. And although I admit I was a bit skeptical, we had great weather and a great trip. I truly enjoyed myself the 2 nights we camped. This was my first time camping, and we went with friends which added to the fun. The boys did the cooking, which is always a treat for me. Doesn't this sunset entice you to visit Michigan? Our state is very beautiful and although our economy isn't great right now, tourism still seems to be thriving. If you would love to see beautiful beaches, come to Michigan.
Buddy, as I knew he would, loved camping. He was busy the entire time and a happy camper. He even ate especially well.

When we left the campgrounds, we were not too far away from friends. So, we stopped by their house, and stayed with them through the weekend. We had a great time there, too, and even went to another beach.
I took this picture so you can all appreciate the length and thickness of Buddy's eye lashes and the cuteness of his nose with the freckles he has befriended. Isn't he just perfect?

The last day we were there, I misstepped coming out of their house, and down I went. By that night, I couldn't put any pressure on my left foot. So, on our way home, Mr. Dandelion suggested we needed to stop for an xray. Can I just say that the ER nurses were just the nicest group of people? We were in and out of there in less than an hour and a half....and the only reason that we were there that long was the x-rays? They said the x-rays looked fine, so off to home we went to unpack. Poor Mr. Dandelion ended up doing all of the unpacking, and starting the laundry. Mr. Dandelion even ended up carrying me over his shoulder down the hall to bed when I couldn't bear to stand on it at all. Then Mr. Dandelion banged my foot into the bedroom door...oh yes, he did. He told me I should have been watching it....and I asked him how I would watch it hanging backwards, upside down on his back. Good grief.
I was in a sour mood having just escaped the couch from that pneumonia episode, I was afraid I would return to it for some time. Luckily, when I woke up this morning I was actually able to walk a bit....I have taken it extremely easy and I hope the sprain continues to improve each day. Mr. Dandelion thinks I am a walking time bomb these days, perhaps he is right.