Well, thank you for your many, many well wishes. I haven't tried any of the blogger suggestions as I just didn't feel like doing much this week. Apologies again for not getting back to you...I will get back in the swing soon, just stick with me. I finally started to feel a bit better yesterday, which was lucky because we took a family trip to the orchard and a hay ride out to pick the best pumpkin ever.
Then I came home and started working on this quilt. Collection: Fandango by Kate Spain; Pattern can be found in Heather Mulder Pearson's book Let the Good Times Roll book. I had the blocks all together, so I added the borders and sewed the back. I woke up this morning feeling even better. Today I have been working on pinning this monster and getting caught up on laundry! But, that is a different monster all together, isn't it?
Anyway, the wedding that this is suppose to be a gift for is the 15th of October....13 days away. Pressure is on! Will I finish it on time? Stay tuned.